3 Side Income Ideas : Make Money With Your Camera With Minimal Skill and Little Investment

You just got that new camera you’ve been fantasizing about. Now what? Of course you want to learn all you can so you can turn out jaw dropping photos and make piles of cash, but photography courses can be expensive and you want to make money now. Well here are 3 way you can start making money with that new camera that require little skill and minimal investment.


Photo booths are all the rage for people looking for a little something extra to add to their party’s atmosphere. No one is expecting high dollar family portrait quality from these prints, just fun snapshots. From kids parties and baby showers to small weddings and church functions, this has been one of my personal side income idea “go to’s” to make money with my

camera while I learn more about photography. Most home printers come with the capability to print decent 4×6 pictures, so if you already have one, all you’ll need to spend is round $11 on photo paper (100 sheets), $31 for a backdrop stand on Amazon and $5 for curtain panels at the dollar store.


Team and sports portraits make the list of low skill, low cost side income ideas because people generally don’t require as much photo retouching. The photo kiosk at your local big box or drug store has software that will do blemish removal and lightening or darkening of the pictures. Some cameras are actually capable of performing those simple edits in camera. The kiosks also allows you to print 4×6 for as little as 15 cent a piece or make up photo packages on 8×11’s for around $1.50 a sheet.


My third minimal skill, small investment side income idea is photo buttons. Not only can this be offered as an add-on to the previous ideas, but it could also prove very lucrative on its own. As an add-on to your photo booth, you can offer a party favor package of photo buttons featuring the party’s honoree. The photo button of my athlete that I wore to games wound up being the initial purchase that led to the sale of actual photo packages. The stand-alone option that has netted me the most money so far has been photo buttons of graduates. Cost for this side hustle starts at $5.50 for a 12 pack of snap-in pin back photo buttons and $15 for the 2.5in circle punch at the local craft store. The 4×6 photo paper can be purchased at the big box stores for around $5.50 for a box of 50 sheets.